April’s Staff Spotlight is Madison Moorman. Coworkers brag on Madison’s dedication and dependability. She knows a lot about eyes and she shares her knowledge readily so that our entire team can better serve our patients. We are thankful for her and all she does here at Coleman Eye Center!

How long have you worked at Coleman Eye Center?
I have worked at Coleman Eye Center for seven years.
What is your position?
I am a tech and also a scribe for Dr. Lee Coleman.
Favorite thing about CEC?
We are family here. You will always have someone by your side during any phase of life. I am thankful.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work?
I enjoy spending time with my kids. I also love shopping.
Share about your family.
I have three kids– Hadley, Hensley, and Mills.
Where are you from?
Greenwood, MS
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
What’s the first concert you ever attended?
Justin Timberlake
Are you currently binge-watching any shows?
Only Blippi and Monsters, Inc. with Mills! 🙂
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Steak, baked potato, and salad
Coffee, Tea, or Soda?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night Owl
Beach or Mountains?
See a play or see a concert?
Concert 100%
Go camping or go ziplining?
Trivia Night or Game Night?
Game Night
Karaoke or Open Mic Night?
Read the Book or Watch the Movie?
Watch the movie.
What is something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
I have a weird shoe obsession–specifically sneakers.
What piece of advice would you give your younger self?
“Let it be, then let it go.” — Zach Bryan 🙂
What do coworkers love about Madison?
“Madison is one hardworking individual. She is always willing to help wherever needed. She also takes the time to explain things when necessary, which is really helpful.”
“She is always willing to help out and teach us new things so we can improve in our jobs.”
“She is efficient and reliable.”
“I love Madison as a coworker and a friend. She is knowledgeable about her job and always willing and able to answer questions and help when needed. She also has a very kind heart and is willing to listen when you need a friend. She’s the best!”
“She’s always willing to help!”
“Madison is the hardest worker I know. She is willing to help at any time. She goes above and beyond for her coworkers and her patients. Not only is she a great coworker, but she is the best mama to her three babies.”